1.1 Do you consent to participate in this study free of charge? * Select Option Yes No
1.2 Are you 18 years or older? * Select Option Yes No
1.3 Are you a resident of Gauteng province? * Select Option Yes No
2.1 Are you male or female? * Select Option Male Female
2.2 What is your age range? * Select Option 1. 18 – 35 (young) 2. 36 – 49 (middle aged) 3. 50 – 65 (late middle aged) 4. 66 and over (old aged)
2.3 What is your educational level * Select Option Not educated Matric Diploma Degree Postgraduate Degree
2.4 What is your household income per month (before tax)? (Socio Economic Measure) * Select Option 1. 0 – R4 500 2. R4 501 – R69 999.99 3. R70 000.00 and above
2.5 What is your employment status * Select Option 1. Not working 2. Working full time 3. Working part time 4. Retired
2.6 What is your ethnicity? * Select Option 1. Asian/Indian 2. Black African 3. Caucasian 4. Mixed race 5.Other
3.1 Do you know anything about Health Promotion Levy or sugar tax in South Africa? * Select Option Yes No
3.2 How did you know about Health Promotion Levy or sugar tax in South Africa? * Select Option 1. Television (Advertisements, News) 2. Radio 3. Internet including social media 4. Friends 5. N/A
3.3 How has your SSB consumption changed since 01 April 2018 to date? * Select Option 1. Increased 2. Decreased 3. Did not change
3.4 What has influenced your change in SSB consumption more? * Select Option 1. Price increase (as a result of sugar tax) 2. Unhealthy 3. Weight loss 4. Diagonised with Non-Communicable Disease(s) e.g. BP 5. Health promotion awareness campaigns
3.5 If your disposal income increases, how will that affect your SSB consumption? * Select Option 1. Increase 2. Decrease 3. No effect
3.6 Have you substituted SSBs with other healthier options like water, milk, fruit juices? * Select Option Yes No
3.7 How often do you used to consume SSBs before 1 April 2018 over 2 days? * Select Option 1. At least once a day 2. 4 – 6 times a week 3. 1 – 3 times a week 4. Less than once a week 5. Never
3.8 How often do you consume SSBs after 1 April 2018 over 2 days? * Select Option 1. At least once a day 2. 4 – 6 times a week 3. 1 – 3 times a week 4. Less than once a week 5. Never
4.1 Placing SSBs price stickers clearly show the amount of sugar tax included in the overall price. * Select Option 1 = Highly unlikely 2 = Unlikely 3 = Neutral 4 = Likely 5 = Highly likely
4.2 Ban on advertisements of sweetened beverages during the hours when the highest number of children and teenagers are watching * Select Option 1 = Highly unlikely 2 = Unlikely 3 = Neutral 4 = Likely 5 = Highly likely
4.3 Placing information about the content of sweetened beverages on the packaging of sweetened beverages using a big font * Select Option 1 = Highly unlikely 2 = Unlikely 3 = Neutral 4 = Likely 5 = Highly likely
4.4 Placing the information about the content of sugars using graphics on the packaging of the sweetened beverages * Select Option 1 = Highly unlikely 2 = Unlikely 3 = Neutral 4 = Likely 5 = Highly likely
4.5 Placing information about the health effects of sugar consumption on the packaging of beverages * Select Option 1 = Highly unlikely 2 = Unlikely 3 = Neutral 4 = Likely 5 = Highly likely
4.6 Requirement to provide information concerning the content of sugar in the product when running an advertisement * Select Option 1 = Highly unlikely 2 = Unlikely 3 = Neutral 4 = Likely 5 = Highly likely
4.7 The need to provide information about the health effects of sugar consumption in graphic form when running advertisements * Select Option 1 = Highly unlikely 2 = Unlikely 3 = Neutral 4 = Likely 5 = Highly likely